Health Benefits and Information Facts

When we were kids, we used to drink its sweet nectar and eat its petals and then we would gather its petals to make bubbles.


· Mumps, infection of the urinary tract: use dried drug materials 15 to 30 gms, boil to decoction and drink.

· For abscesses, carbuncles and boils: crush fresh leaves and poultice the infected area. Also, pound flower buds into a paste and apply to external swellings; also used for boils, cancerous swellings and mumps.

· Decoction of roots, barks, leaves and flowers used as an emollient.

· Decoction from roots of red and white-flowered plants used as an antidote for poison.

· Bark is an emmenagogue; also used to normalize menstruation.

· Seeds used as a stimulant and for cramps.

· Decoction of leaves for fevers.

· For headaches, an infusion of leaves or poultice of leaves.

· Leaves are mildly laxative.

· Mucilage during labor.

· Red flowers are purgative; when taken with papaya seeds, may be abortive.

· Infusion of leaves as an expectorant in bronchitis.

· Hair stimulant: oil made by mixing the juice of fresh petals and olive oil for stimulating hair growth.

• In Costa Rica, used as a purgative.
• In Venezuela, used to treat tumors.
• In the Carribean, used as analgesic, anti-inflammatory.
• In the Dominican Republic, used to treat hematomas.


A tasty tea is brewed from its petals.

Gumamela as Herbal Medicine

As herbal medicine, gumamela flower, leaves and roots are used. Gumamela has the following medicinal characteristics: expectorant, diuretic, emollient, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anodyne and refrigerant.

Gumamela is used for the treatment of:

• Bronchitis – as an expectorant
• Coughs, sore throat
• Fever – as refrigerant drink
• Treats dysentery
• Urinary tract infection, bladder infections
• High blood pressure
• Prevention of constipation
• Headaches
• Boils, swelling & abscesses, mumps